Assignment 2
Electronic Health Records
In this assignment you will explore deep learning applied to electronic health records using the MIMIC-III dataset.
In part 1, you'll use structured clinical measurements to predict daily sepsis, myocardial infarction (MI), and vancomycin antibiotic administration over two week patient ICU courses.
In parts 2 and 3, you will work with clincial text embeddings to predict ICU patient readmissions.
Assignment Setup Instructions
- Make sure you use a server with
at least 8 CPUs, 30GB memory, and 100 GB disk space . -
Like with the previous assignment, download the assignment files on your VM instance and then unzip them:
wget unzip
Note 1 Each notebook has downloading and preprocessing code in the first few cells. This will take about 60mins for part 1, 10mins for part 2, and 60mins for part 3, so plan accordingly. We recommend
Note 2 When you finish one assignment part and start another, remember to
Note 3 The files in this assignment need less than 100GB of disk space. If you run out of disk space, you can du -sh *