Autumn 2021-2022 Projects
- Rapid segmentation of the central lateral thalamic
Matthew Radovan
- Transformer for Prediction of Patient Trajectories
from Electronic Health Records
David Huang
- Trans-UNet for Cell Segmentation
Michael Zhang
- Predicting Unit-Level Transfers at Lucile Packard
Children’s Hospital
Harry Koos, Hannah Li, Meredith Xu
- Applying Transformer-based Sequence Modeling to ECG Data
Thomas Jiang, Claire Mai, Avanika Narayan
- Predicting Cell Type from Spatial Transcriptomic Data
Ayushi Tandel, Nathaniel Chien
- Explainable Deep Learning Application to Predict Key
Adverse Outcomes After Injury
Jeff Choi, Shobha Dasari, Allen Huang
- CheXT - The Chest X-ray Transformer, for Deep Learning based Free-Text Annotation of Medical Imaging Scans
Henry Mellsop, Colton Swingle
- Predicting Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction
Using Cardiac Echocardiograms
Katelyn Bechler, Raghav Garg, Vy Ho
- Deep Learning for Early Prediction of Septic Shock Treatment in Emergency Department Patients using Physiologic Monitor Data
Matthew Kolodner
- Dealing with Confounder Variables in Deep Learning Models
Navami Jain
- Classification of Brain Tumor Radiogenomics
Eden Grown-Haeberli, Emma Mclean
- Predicting CRISPRCas9 sgRNA On-target Efficacy
with Deep Learning
Sam Spinner
- Sequence-Based Deep Learning DNA Methylation Prediction and Whole-Genome Epigenetic Aging Prediction
Sophie Parsa, Marc Huo
- OCT-GAN: Conditional Generation of Optical Coherence Tomography Images to Aid Retinal Disease Classification
Bryan Gopal, Brian Soetikno
- Learning protein sequence embeddings for alignment free sequence comparison
Sophia C. Kivelson
Note: some reports are not listed at the request of those students.